Our Story

Growing up, I fell in love with so many parts of the otaku culture without realizing where it came from. Getting lost over and over again in both anime and manga, I wanted to wear clothing that represented the energy and dreams I saw in these stories.

But I struggled finding exactly what I wanted. Otaku fashion has come a long way in the past years. but so much of it is still people just slapping official art on a shirt and calling it a day. Seeing the few companies that have actually made steps to change that inspired me.

Coopy Cove originally launched in September of 2023, but unsatisfied with the quality of outsourced printing and frustrated with the limits placed by suppliers, a revamp took place. I don't want to just be another generic brand on the internet, I wanted to stand out from the crowd. So I got to work.

I'm proud to say that as of now every piece sent out is designed and then screen printed by me to ensure I can customize these piece as much as I want. Thanks to the support of friends and family, I have taken one step towards this dream. There is still so much I want to do and improve and I'm so grateful to every single person who takes even five seconds to look at my humble store.

From the bottom of my heart thank you for supporting this small artist owned business.